Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Ignace Jan Padereswski, the famous Polish pianist & statesman, was once scheduled to perform at a great concert hall in America.

Present in the audience that evening was a woman who had brought her nine-year-old son, hoping that he would be encouraged to practice the piano if he could just hear the great Padereski at the keyboard.

Weary waiting for the concert to begin & being there against his wishes anyway - the lad squirmed restlessly in his seat. Then, as his mother turned to talk with friends, the boy slipped out of his seat & down the aisle, strangely drawn by the ebony concert grand sitting majestic & alone at the centre of the huge stage. He sat down on the tufted leather stool, placed his small hands on the black & white keys, & began to play "Chop Sticks."

Suddenly the crowd hushed & hundreds of frowning faces turned in his direction. Irritated & embarrassed, some began to shout: "Hey, get that boy away from there!" "Where's his mother?" "Somebody stop him!"

Backstage, Paderewski heard the uproar & the sound of the simple tune. When he saw what was happening, he hurried onto the stage. Without a word to the audience, he walked up behind the lad, reached his arms around either side of him & began to improvise a countermelody. As the two made music together, the master pianist kept whispering in the boy's ear: "keep going. Don't quit, son. Keep on playing … don't stop … don't quit."

So it is with us. We hammer away at life & sometimes it seems about as significant as "Chop Sticks." Then, about the time we are ready to give up, along come the Master, who leans over & whispers: "Don't quit. Keep going," as He provides His finishing touch of grace, love & joy at just the right moment.

Are you one of those weary pilgrims? Is the road getting long? Is hope wearing a little thin?

Don't quit. Keep on. Finish the course.

Listen to the Master whispering: “God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won't stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns.” (Phil. 1:6 CEV) - Charles Swindoll (richardcho.tripod.com).

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