In the little town of Swan Quarter, a most bizarre event happened that still has people talking to this day. Tourists arrive in this remote area of North Carolina to take pictures of “The Church moved by the Hand of God.”
The Hyde County, North Carolina website tells the brief story about Providence United Methodist Church and its trip down Main Street.
The members of Providence UMC had decided to build their church building in 1876. They approached Mr. Samuel Sadler & asked if he would sell them the land. He refused saying that nothing that the Methodist did could change his mind.
The Providence members got another location approximately 400 yards away. No one really knows why Mr. Sadler would not sell to the Methodist but it is assumed that he wanted this choice plot for himself.
It was the highest point in Swan Quarter located in the beautiful area of the Pamlico Sound. It was a choice location and Mr. Sadler probably wanted the prestige of owning it.
Three days after the building was complete & before it was dedicated in the year 1876, a strong hurricane blew in to Hyde County. The water rose more than 5 feet all over town.
The Providence United Methodist Church of Swan Quarter lifted off its brick foundation. It floated. The church traveled north & then east, eventually reaching the exact piece of property the congregation had earlier attempted to purchase. After turning itself around facing Main Street, the church settled onto this higher piece of ground & is still there to this day.
Mr. Sadler did not question this supposed divine act of God. The congregation got the land title in 1881. - Anna Looper, Charlotte History Examiner. (
(Originally designated the "Methodist Episcopal Church," it was later renamed "Providence United Methodist Church" - a tribute to what members considered divine intervention.)
Luke 1:37 (CEV) says: “Nothing is impossible for God!"
“I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.” - Hudson Taylor.
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