The story is told of a man who was asked, “Are you a believer in the Christian religion?”
“Oh, certainly!”
“You are a member of some church, then, I suppose?”
“Member of a church? No, indeed. Why should I be a member of a church? It is quite unnecessary; the dying thief wasn’t a member of a church & he went to Heaven.”
“But of course you have been baptized; you know the command -”
“Been baptized? Oh, no; that is another needless ceremony! I am as safe as the dying thief was & he never was baptized.”
“But surely, since you will not join a church or be baptized, you will do something in acknowledgment of your faith. You will give of your means - you will help the cause in some way?”
“No, sir; I do nothing of the kind. The dying thief ---”
“Let me remark, my friend, before you go any further, that you seem to be on pretty intimate terms with the dying thief. You seem to derive a great deal of consolation from his career. But, mind you, there is one important difference between you & him. He was a dying thief - and you are a living one.” - Charles Spurgeon. (
“They would not have been guilty of sin if I had not come and spoken to them; as it is, they no longer have any excuse for their sin.” – Jesus (John 15:22)
“People who cover their faults and excuse themselves do not have a repentant spirit.” - Watchman Nee.
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