Wednesday, April 1, 2015


A farmer in North Carolina once drove with two high-mettled horses into town. Stopping in front of one of the stores, he was about to enter when the horses took fright. He sprang in front of them & heroically seized the reins.

Maddened by strange noises, the horses dashed down the street, the man still clinging to the bridles. On they rushed, until the horses, wild with frenzy, rose on their haunches & leaping upon the man all came with a crash to the earth.

When the people came & rescued the bleeding body of the man & found him in death's last agony, a friend bending tenderly o'er him, asked: "Why did you sacrifice your life for those horses & wagon?"

He gasped with his breath as his spirit departed, "Go & look in the wagon."

They turned & there, asleep on the straw, lay his little boy.

As they laid the mangled form of the hero in his grave, no one said, "The sacrifice was too great."

The sacrifice of JESUS:

"He died for you! He died for me,
His blood bath atoned for our race;
O wonderful love! He came from above
To suffer and die in our place."

- L. G. Broughton (

2Ti 1:9 (GW) says: “God saved us and called us to be holy, not because of what we had done, but because of his own plan and kindness. Before the world began, God planned that Christ Jesus would show us God's kindness.”

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