Thursday, June 30, 2016


“I compare the troubles which we have to undergo in the course of the year to a great bundle of sticks, far too large for us to lift.

But God does not require us to carry the whole at once. He mercifully unties the bundle, & gives us first one stick, which we are to carry today & then another, which we are to carry tomorrow & so on.

This we might easily manage, if we would only take the burden appointed for us each day; but we choose to increase our troubles by carrying yesterday's stick over again today & adding tomorrow's burden to our load, before we are required to bear it.”

- John Newton (

“It is not the cares of today, but the cares of tomorrow, that weigh a man down. For the needs of today we have corresponding strength given. For the morrow we are told to trust. It is not ours yet. It is when tomorrow's burden is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than a man can bear.” - George Macdonald.

Mat 6:34 (CEV): “Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.”

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


A celebrated Italian scholar spent his days & nights in his library among his precious volumes. One morning he was found dead in his chair. 

There was no wound or mark of violence, no sign of struggle. The cause of the scholar's death remained a mystery until, upon drawing back the sleeve of his robe, his friends saw on his wrist a tiny spot of red.

Then they understood the cause of his death. The red mark told of the bite of an asp. The scholar had opened an old volume in which the small but venomous creature made its home & it had stung him to death.

What happened to that scholar in actual life often happens, figuratively, to those who defile the imagination with an evil book.

- (

1 Thess 5:22 (GW): “Keep away from every kind of evil.”

“If your mind is filled with the Word of God, then it can't be filled with impure thoughts.” - David Jeremiah.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Charles Peace, a notorious criminal in England, was executed on February 25, 1879.

Just before his execution, an Anglican minister halfheartedly read to him from ‘The Consolations of Religion’: “Those who die without Christ experience hell, which is the pain of forever dying without the release which death itself can bring.”

Charles stopped the minister & said, “Sir, if I believed what you & the church of God say that you believe, even if England were covered with broken glass from coast to coast, I would walk over it, if need be, on hands & knees and think it worthwhile living, just to save one soul from an eternal hell like that!”

Source: Why Revival Tarries, Leonard Ravenhill (

Rom 12:11 (NABRE): “Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.”

Monday, June 27, 2016


Carol Fuller was a 72-year-old grandmother living alone in West Hollywood in 1995. During a home invasion robbery she was locked in a closet, her home was ransacked & her car was stolen. All of this took place without anyone knowing. But the worst part followed.

Days later, investigators found her dead in the closet with her fingers cut from trying to claw her way out.

Sadly, Carol Fuller left this world experiencing much the same horror many will experience for the rest of eternity. Try as they might, claw as they might, they will only have death & darkness as their companion.

Source: Los Angeles Times, February, 3, 1995 - (            

Heb 2:3 (AMP): “How will we escape [the penalty] if we ignore such a great salvation [the gospel]? For it was spoken at first by the Lord, and it was confirmed to us and proved authentic by those who personally heard [Him speak].”

“Let us not so much labor to know where hell is - as how to escape it.” -  John Chrysostom.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


George Whitefield, while preaching once on the text, "The door was shut," had two flippant young men in his congregation.

One was heard to say to the other in mirth, "What if the door be shut? Another will open!"

Mr. Whitefield said later in the sermon, "It is possible that there may be someone here who is careless & trifling, and says: `What matter if the door be shut? Another will open!"' The two young men looked at each other in alarm.

Mr. Whitefield proceeded: "Yes, another door will open. It will be the door to hell!"

- Sunday School Times. (

1 Cor 6:9-10 (ICB): “Surely you know that the people who do wrong will not receive God’s kingdom. Do not be fooled. These people will not receive God’s kingdom: those who are sexually immoral, or worship idols, or take part in adultery, or men who have physical relations with other men, or steal, or are selfish, or get drunk, or lie about others, or cheat.”

"Believing and confessing go together; and you cannot be saved without you take them both. “With the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Rom 10:10).  If you ever see the kingdom of heaven you have to take this way.” -  D.L. Moody.


Three recruiters were to address high school seniors. Each recruiter represented a branch of the military (the Army, Navy & Marine Corps) & was to have fifteen minutes.

The Army & Navy recruiters got carried away, so when it came time for the Marine to speak, he had just two minutes.

He walked up & stood utterly silent for a full sixty seconds, half of his time. Then he said, “I doubt whether there are two or three of you in this room who would even stand a chance in the Marine Corps. But I want to see those two or three immediately in the dining hall when we are dismissed.” He turned smartly & sat down.

When he arrived in the dining hall, there was a crowd of students interested in the Marines.

The recruiter knew that commitment cannot take place without recognizing the potential for difficulty.

Lord Jesus Christ said: “So then, none of you can be my disciple who does not (carefully consider the cost and then for my sake) give up all his own possessions.” (Luke 14:33 AMP)

“Has your religion cost you anything? If it has cost you nothing, it is worth nothing.” - William Tiptaft.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


A Springfield neighbor of Lincoln's was drawn to his door one day by the sound of the crying of children. He saw Lincoln passing by with his two sons, both crying lustily.

"What is the matter with the boys?" asked the man.

"Just what is the matter with the whole world!" answered Lincoln. "I have three walnuts, and each boy wants two."

Surely, this spirit is still abroad today.

- London Christian Herald. (           

Pro 28:25 (TLB): “Greed causes fighting; trusting God leads to prosperity.”

“Instead of complaining at his lot, a contented man is thankful that his condition and circumstances are not worse than they are. Instead of greedily desiring something more than the supply of his present need, he rejoices that God still cares for him. Such a one is content with what he has.” - A.W. Pink.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


A man asked his servant to sow barley. The servant sowed oats. The master asked why he sowed oats. The servant replied, "I hoped to grow barley."

The master said, "What a foolish idea! Whoever heard the like?"

The servant replied, "You yourself constantly sow seeds of evil, and yet expect to reap the fruits of virtue."

Bible says: “A person harvests whatever he plants." (Gal. 6:7).

- Gospel Herald. (

“The Lord made it very plain in the New Testament that believers cannot escape reaping the kind of harvest they have sowed. We cannot hide our sin; we will not get away with it. The secrets of the night are not hidden from God." - Theodore Epp.

Monday, June 20, 2016


Drink has drained more blood,
Sold more houses,
Plunged more people into bankruptcy,
Armed more villains,
Slain more children,
Snapped more wedding rings,
Defiled more innocence,
Blinded more eyes,
Twisted more limbs,
Dethroned more reason,
Wrecked more manhood,
Dishonored more womanhood,
Broken more hearts,
Blasted more lives,
Driven more suicide, and
Dug more graves than any other poisoned scourge that ever swept its death-dealing waves across the world.

- Evangeline Booth (

“The alcoholic commits suicide on the installment plan.” - Vance Havner.

Pro 20:1 (NLV): “Wine makes people act in a foolish way. Strong drink starts fights. Whoever is fooled by it is not wise.”

Sunday, June 19, 2016


All America was shocked by the recent cases of suicide among university students.
One said that he had sucked all the juice out of the orange.  Another, that he had had all the thrills there are in life & he was now going to get the thrill of death. Still another wanted to find out what was on the other side.

At the door of the rationalistic, evolutionary teaching of today must be laid the blame.

No young man commits suicide whose life is anchored in God.  But robbed of a future hope, life is barren & worthless.

- Oswald J. Smith (

1 Cor 3:16-17 (ERV): “You should know that you yourselves are God’s temple. God’s Spirit lives in you. If you destroy God’s temple, God will destroy you, because God’s temple is holy. You yourselves are God’s temple.”

“Outside of Christ, I am weak; in Christ, I am strong.” - Watchmen Nee.

1 Cor 6:20 (VOICE): “You have been purchased at a great price, so use your body to bring glory to God!”

“Let God’s promises shine on your problems.” - Corrie Ten Boom.

Friday, June 17, 2016


A passenger in a taxi leaned over to ask the driver a question & gently tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb & stopped just inches from a large plate window.

For a few moments everything was silent in the cab. Then, the shaking driver said, “Are you OK? I’m so sorry, but you scared the daylights out of me...”

The badly shaken passenger apologized to the driver & said “I didn’t realize that a mere tap on the shoulder would startle someone so badly.”

The driver replied, “No, no, I’m the one who is sorry, it’s entirely my fault, today is my very first day driving a cab. I’ve been driving a hearse for 25 years...”

- (         

 “Fear is born of Satan, and if we would only take time to think a moment we would see that everything Satan says is founded upon a falsehood.” - A.B. Simpson.

2 Tim 1:7 (WE): “God has not given us a spirit of fear. But he has given us a spirit of power and love and self-control.”

Thursday, June 16, 2016


James Cash Penney (who started J. C. Penney stores) made some unwise commitments & became very depressed. He worried so much that he developed shingles.

He went to see his doctor who admitted him to the hospital, but his condition became worse. One night he was prescribed a sedative that quickly wore off & he awoke believing that he would die that night. He wrote letters to his family & fell asleep.

He woke up the next morning & was surprised that he was still alive. He heard people singing “God Will Take Care of You” in the chapel & went in. He listened to the singing & message with a heavy heart, but then something happened.

He later said, “I realized then that I alone was responsible for my troubles. I knew that God with His love was there to help me.”

He said that from that day forward his life was free of worry & it was all because he realized that God would take care of him.

Source: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Dale Carnegie. (

“Worry is like a rocking chair-it keeps you moving but doesn't get you anywhere.” - Corrie Ten Boom.

1 Pet 5:7 (NABRE): “Cast all your worries upon Him because He cares for you.”

“We would worry less if we praised God more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” -  Harry Ironside.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Bishop Gobat of Jerusalem, after a long missionary journey at one time, was greatly discouraged; He felt that God had forsaken him. Finding a cave, he went into it, spending a long time in prayer, telling the Lord how forsaken he was. It was a very dark cave.

After being in the dark for a while, his eyes became accustomed to it. He was startled by seeing a wild animal, a hyena & her cubs, near him. It is said that there is no animal more ferocious than a hyena with cubs.

But God protected him; the hyena never offered to touch him. God's hand was keeping him at the very hour in which he thought that he was forsaken. He came out unharmed.

Oh that God would open our eyes so that we might realize the fact that at times when we get the idea that we are forsaken of Him, He is keeping us from unseen dangers.

- Gospel Herald. (

Heb 13:5 (MEV): For He has said: “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.”

“God's angels often protect His servants from potential enemies.” - Billy Graham.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


There was a fellow who was about to jump from a bridge. An alert police officer slowly & methodically moved toward him, talking with him all the time.

When the officer got within inches of the man he said, “Surely nothing could be bad enough for you to take your life. Tell me about it. Talk to me.”

The would-be jumper told how his wife had left him, how his business had gone bankrupt & how his friends had deserted him. Everything in life had lost meaning. For 30 minutes he told the sad story - then they both jumped.

- (

“Battles are fought in our minds every day. When we begin to feel the battle is just too difficult and want to give up, we must choose to resist negative thoughts and be determined to rise above our problems. We must decide that we're not going to quit. When we're bombarded with doubts and fears, we must take a stand and say: "I'll never give up! God's on my side. He loves me, and He's helping me! I'm going to make it!” -  Joyce Meyer.

Hab 3:17-18: “Fig trees may no longer bloom, or vineyards produce grapes; olive trees may be fruitless, and harvest time a failure; sheep pens may be empty, and cattle stalls vacant -  I will still be joyful and glad, because the Lord God is my savior.”

Monday, June 13, 2016

Courage Is Fear Holding on a Minute Longer

Famed World War II tank commander General George Patton said, “Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.”

If you give in to your fears, you are on the path to defeat. If instead you stand strong in spite of your fears, you are on the path to victory.

And we must never forget that we are not in the battle alone. With the power of God on our side, we cannot be defeated.

- (

“To me, it has been a source of great comfort and strength in the day of battle, just to remember that the secret of steadfastness, and indeed, of victory, is the recognition that ‘the Lord is at hand’." - Duncan Campbell.

2 Tim 1:7 (RSV): “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control.”

Sunday, June 12, 2016

ABC’s of Trials

Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee
Move out of "Camp Complaining"
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To "thank" is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We'll run the race with gratitude
Exalting God most high
Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

- Unknown (

1 Thess 5:18 (KJV): “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Friday, June 10, 2016


A young boy traveling by airplane to visit his grandparents sat beside a man who happened to be a seminary professor.

The boy was reading a Sunday school take-home paper & the professor thought he would have some fun with the boy.

“Young man,” said the professor, “if you can tell me something God can do, I will give you a big, shiny apple.”

The boy thought for a moment & then replied, “Mister, if you can tell me something God can’t do, I’ll give you a whole barrel of apples!”

- (

Luke 1:37 (KJV): “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

“God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity that we plan only the things we can do by ourselves.” - A. W. Tozer.

Ep 3:20 (GW): “Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power he can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.”

Thursday, June 9, 2016


I accompanied my father when I was just a small child to see my grandmother, who lived about 3miles from our home. We remained longer than we should & night overtook us.

Between our home & grandmother's was a swamp & that night the frogs croaking & crickets chirping, together with the darkness & shadows of the trees, frightened me.

I inquired of my father if there were any danger of "something catching us" and he assured me there was no danger. Soon I asked the same question again & received the same answer.

But my father saw I was frightened & he took me by the hand & said: "I will not allow anything to harm you." And all my fears passed away & I was ready to face the world; for my father had me by the hand.

How like our Heavenly Father is this. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me" (Ps. 23:4).

- W. B. Davidson  (

"If you would build a wall of protection about your child, build it with prayer." – Unknown.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


“Men who live in the past remind me of a toy I’m sure all of you have seen. The toy is a small wooden bird called the Floogie Bird. Around the Floogie Bird’s neck is a label reading, ‘I fly backwards, I don’t care where I’m going. I just want to see where I’ve been.’” - Harry Truman.

- (

“Our past experiences may have made us the way we are, but we don't have to stay that way.” - Joyce Meyer.

Isa 43:18-19 (GNT):  But the LORD says, “Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago.  Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already - you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there.”

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


The final eruption of Mount St. Helens in May of 1980 was not a sudden event. For 2 months prior to the massive blast - the most deadly & destructive in American history - earthquakes & volcanic activity signaled a major event was underway.

Authorities had plenty of time to sound the alarm & warn those living nearby of the looming danger. Yet despite the seriousness of the threat, some people chose to disregard the warnings.

Probably the best known of those who refused to evacuate was Harry Randall Truman. The 83 yr old man was the owner & caretaker at the Mount St. Helens Lodge at Spirit Lake. He had survived the sinking of his troop ship by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland during World War I & he was not about to leave just because scientists thought there was danger.

Truman told reporters, “I don't have any idea whether it will blow. But I don't believe it to the point that I'm going to pack up.”

On May 18, 1980, Truman & his lodge were buried beneath 150 ft of mud & debris from the volcanic eruption. His body was never found.

It is foolish to recognize danger or temptation & think that we will somehow be exempt from the consequences if we linger. If we believe Scriptures warnings concerning temptation, we will surely flee.

The only real protection that we have is the approach taken by Joseph when he was tempted by Potiphar’s wife. “…and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out” (Genesis 39:12).

Source: ‘Volcano Cowboys’ -  Dick Thompson ( 

Monday, June 6, 2016


In 1997 Chinese firefighters succeeded in putting out a 400 year old fire. The fire in the Baiyanghe coalfield started in 1560.

The fire consumed over 127 million tons of coal before it was extinguished.

Four hundred years is a long time, but it is nothing in view of eternity. The fires of Hell will never end or be put out.

Source: Reuters News Agency  (

Rev 20:15 (ESV): “And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”

The national anthem of hell is, "I Did It My Way." - Peter Kreeft.

Sunday, June 5, 2016


When Adoniram Judson graduated from college & seminary, he received a call from a fashionable church in Boston to become its assistant pastor. Everyone congratulated him.

His mother & sister rejoiced that he could live at home with them & do his life work, but Judson shook his head.

“My work is not here,” he said. “God is calling me beyond the seas. To stay here, even to serve God in His ministry, I feel would be only partial obedience & I could not be happy in that.”

Although it cost him a great struggle, he left mother & sister to follow the heavenly call.

Judson’s churches in Burma have had fifty thousand believe in the Lord Jesus & the influence of his consecrated life is felt around the world.

From ‘The Dynamics of Spiritual Gifts’ by William J. McRae (

Heb 3:15 (GNT): This is what the scripture says: “If you hear God's voice today, do not be stubborn, as your ancestors were when they rebelled against God.”

“When God speaks, oftentimes His voice will call for an act of courage on our part.” - Charles Stanley.

Friday, June 3, 2016


One of the largest freshwater turtles is the alligator snapping turtle. Found primarily in the southeastern US, these massive turtles have been known to weigh close to 250 pounds.

While their diet is primarily fish, they have been known to eat almost anything else they can find in the water - even in a few cases small alligators! They rely on a uniquely deceitful method of foraging for fish.

The turtle will lie completely still on the floor of the lake with its mouth wide open. At the end of its tongue is a small, pink, worm-shaped appendage. It wiggles the end of its tongue so that it looks like a worm moving through the water.

When a fish comes to eat the worm, the turtle’s jaws rapidly close, trapping the fish so that it cannot escape.

Similarly, temptation comes in the guise of something desirable, but it always carries destruction with it in the end. If we could see the end result rather than the tempting part, it would be far easier to resist. But Satan knows this, so he cleverly disguises what is deadly in the guise of something pleasurable.

- (

Pro 14:12 (TLB): “Before every man there lies a wide and pleasant road that seems right but ends in death.”

Thursday, June 2, 2016


One of the noted publishers of Great Britain tells the story of how he came as a youth from Scotland to take a job in London. 

One of the first companions that he fell in with took him one night to a house of shame; but as soon as he realized the nature of the place, without a moment's hesitation, he fled from it.

To that quick & immediate decision he attributed his subsequent life of success & of honor.       

When Paul shook the viper off his arm he shook it off into the fire. He did not shake it off upon the ground, where it might strike him again. He shook it off into the flame. That particular viper would never again menace the life of Paul, or the life of any other man.

To resist a temptation half-heartedly, to say “No” with a certain tone of reservation in our minds, as if we might give it consideration tomorrow, is to make sure that temptation will return & return stronger than it was before.

You spare your temptation today, shake it off to the ground, instead of into the fire, where it will be reduced to ashes & it will come back to hiss & to strike tomorrow.       

- (

Mark 14:38 (NIV): Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”


In the days of the Civil War it was illegal to trade in cotton; but many unscrupulous speculators tried to buy cotton in the South, run it through the Union lines & sell it at great profit in the North.

One of these speculators approached a Mississippi steamboat captain & offered him $100 if he would run his cotton up the river for him. The captain declined, reminding him that it was illegal.

"I will give you $500," said the man.

"No," answered the captain.

"I will give you $1000."

"No," the captain said again.

"I will give you $3000."

At that the captain drew his pistol & pointing it at the man said, "Get off this boat. You are coming too near my price."

That is the way to deal with temptation. That is the way Christ dealt with it. There was no parley, no delay; He said, "Get thee behind me, Satan" (Matt. 16:23).

- (

Js 4:7 (KJV):  “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

“Too often we think of being tempted as being enticed to do big things like stealing, murdering or committing adultery. But most often we're tempted to be impatient, stingy, jealous, greedy or any number of other things that we consider lesser sins.” - Joyce Meyer.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


There is a legend that Augustine, accosted on the street by a former mistress shortly after his commitment to Christ, turned & walked in the opposite direction.

Surprised, the woman cried out, "Augustine, it is I."

But Augustine, proceeding on his way, cried back to her, "Yes, but it is not I."

What he meant was that there was a new Augustine & that this new Augustine would avoid the very territory & appearance of evil.

- (                                                      

1 Thess 5:22: “ Abstain from all appearance of evil.”

“Every time you defeat a temptation, you become more like Jesus!” -  Rick Warren.