Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Charles Peace, a notorious criminal in England, was executed on February 25, 1879.

Just before his execution, an Anglican minister halfheartedly read to him from ‘The Consolations of Religion’: “Those who die without Christ experience hell, which is the pain of forever dying without the release which death itself can bring.”

Charles stopped the minister & said, “Sir, if I believed what you & the church of God say that you believe, even if England were covered with broken glass from coast to coast, I would walk over it, if need be, on hands & knees and think it worthwhile living, just to save one soul from an eternal hell like that!”

Source: Why Revival Tarries, Leonard Ravenhill (ministry127.com)

Rom 12:11 (NABRE): “Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.”

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