Monday, January 16, 2017


In a Sunday school class the lesson was about lying. 

A young girl put this proposition to her teacher, "My mother is `old-fashioned' and thinks it is wrong to dance, so when I want to go to a dance I tell her that I am going to stay with a girl friend. Is it wrong to tell that kind of lie?"

The teacher replied, "No, if your mother is such a `back number' as that, it is all right to lie to her."

Another child in the class, reporting the incident to his parents, was removed from that Sunday school, and sent to a sound one.

- The Voice. (       

“A child of five, if properly instructed, can as truly believe and be regenerated as an adult.” -  Charles Spurgeon.

Pro 22:6 (GNT): “Teach children how they should live and they will remember it all their life.”

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