Friday, February 17, 2017


Robert Morrison, the noted missionary to China wrote to his friends in England, asking for an assistant. In response, a young man from the country offered himself. After an interview, the members of the board decided that though he was an earnest Christian he was too rough & they gave him this decision:

"We do not think you fit to be a missionary, but if you would like to go out as a servant to the missionary, we will send you."

After hearing this answer, he said, "Well, sir, if the gentlemen don't think me fit to be a missionary, I will go as a servant. I am willing to be a hewer of wood & a drawer of water or do anything to help the cause of my Heavenly Master."

He was sent out as a servant, but he soon became a missionary & turned out to be Dr. Milne, one of the best missionaries that ever went to that country.

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Mk 9:35 (GNT): Jesus sat down, called the twelve disciples, and said to them, “Whoever wants to be first must place himself last of all and be the servant of all.”

“If you seek to please men you can never be a servant of the Lord.” -  Zac Poonen.

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