Sunday, January 21, 2018


Dr. Adam Clarke, the great commentator, was a slow worker & he could only produce his wealth of literary treasures by long & patient toil. He therefore made it his custom to rise early every morning.

A young preacher, anxious to emulate the distinguished doctor, asked him one day how he managed it. "Do you pray about it?" he inquired.

"No," the doctor quietly answered, "I get up."

Mr. Moody used to tell how once he came upon a group of wealthy American Christians praying for the removal of a debt of $500 on their church building.

"Gentlemen," said Mr. Moody. "I don't think if I were you, I should trouble the Lord in this matter."

- Light. (

Js 4:17 (LEB): “Therefore, to the one who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”

“We should always look upon ourselves as God's servants, placed in God's world, to do His work; and accordingly labor faithfully for Him; not with a design to grow rich & great, but to glorify God, and do all the good we possibly can.” -  David Brainerd.

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