Wednesday, March 14, 2018


In 1993, 4 executives from a Florida rental car company were convicted & jailed for defrauding their customers.

Using what con artists have long referred to as a “salami technique” (you slice off tiny pieces in hopes that no one will notice & that those little pieces will build up to a large amount of money over time), they cheated at least 47,000 customers over a 4-year period.

They had modified the computer billing software to overstate the size of the gas tanks on the cars. Then whenever a customer returned the car without filling it up, the gas charge would be increased to cover those “extra” gallons of gas purchased.

It took a long time to uncover the scam because most of the customers were only charged small amount - sometimes as little as $2.00 - and very few people noticed.

God demands that we be honest in all of our dealings. Even if you are convinced that no one will ever discover your scheme, God will know.

Pro 20:10 (ERV): “The Lord hates for people to use the wrong weights and measures to cheat others.”

Source: Network World Security Newsletter, (

“When we forget God, we lose the only true basis for morality and ethics, and we are cast upon the shifting sands of moral relativism in which anything goes, including lying, cheating and stealing.” -  Judge Roy Moore.

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