Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Hugh Latimer was the Bishop of Worcester during the reign of King Henry VIII. It was the custom of those days for each of the bishops to make presents to the King on New Year’s Day.

Latimer went with the rest to make the usual gifting. Instead of a purse of gold, as was the custom, he presented the King with a New Testament, in which pages were folded to this passage, “Whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” (Heb 13:4).

Eventually, Latimer was martyred by King’s daughter, Queen Mary.

(The King wanted to divorce his wife and marry his mistress. He did that anyway.)

- An extraction.

Mk 6:18&20 (GNT): “John the Baptist kept telling Herod, “It isn’t right for you to marry your brother’s wife!” Herod liked to listen to him, even though he became greatly disturbed every time he heard him.”

“The task of the preacher is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” -  Vance Havner.

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