Sunday, June 24, 2018


Every man produces one masterpiece - himself.

Day & night, year in & year out, in conscious & unconscious moments, his words & deeds, his secret desires, what he permits or refuses, every hope, every fear, every purpose - all are strokes of the brush, all help to produce the painting.

One day the canvas is finished. Death frames it & puts it on exhibition.

Then not a line can be erased or changed, not a feature retouched or altered. The work is finished. 

There is the masterpiece.

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“Self-righteousness is the devil's masterpiece to make us think well of ourselves.” -  Thomas Adams.

1 Cor 4:5 (CEB): “So don’t judge anything before the right time - wait until the Lord comes. He will bring things that are hidden in the dark to light, and he will make people’s motivations public. Then there will be recognition for each person from God.”

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