Tuesday, July 17, 2018


If you believe in prayer, you believe in miracles.

When you pray, you are requesting the supernatural intervention of God to come into a situation that would deteriorate without it.

Nothing is natural any more... everything has become supernatural.

The power of God is now over that situation. Therefore, when you pray, you are asking for a miracle.

- Albert Kang (aksermonillustrations.blogspot.com)

Ps 77:14 (NIV): “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”

“Prayer is often a temptation to bank on a miracle of God instead of on a moral issue, i.e., it is much easier to ask God to do my work than it is to do it myself. Until we are disciplined properly, we will always be inclined to bank on God's miracles and refuse to do the moral thing ourselves. It is our job, and it will never be done unless we do it.” -  Oswald Chambers.

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