Some years ago, in Germany, a young man lay upon the
operating table of hospital. A skilled surgeon stood near, a group of students
round about.
Presently, bending over the patient, the surgeon said:
"My friend, if you wish to say anything, you now have the opportunity, but
I must warn you that your words will be the last words that you will ever
utter. (He had cancer of the tongue.) Think well, therefore, what you wish to
You can readily imagine that such a statement at such a time
would give pause to anyone. The young man therefore waited, apparently lost in
deep thought. A deep solemnity settled over the faces of the onlookers. What
words would he choose for such an occasion?
The students bent eagerly forward. Some time passed &
then the lips at last parted & at the sound of his voice you could have
seen tears swim in the eyes of those present: "Thank God, Jesus
- Evangelical Visitor. (
1Th 5:18 (KJV): "In everything give thanks: for this is
the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
"Longing desire prayeth always, though the tongue be
silent. If thou art ever longing, thou art ever praying." - Augustine.
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