Friday, September 18, 2015


It is related of Francis Xavier, that as he was preaching in one of the cities of Japan, a man went up to him as if he had something to say to him privately.

Xavier leaned his head near to hear what he had to say & the scorner spit upon the face of the devoted missionary. Xavier, without a word or the least sign of annoyance, took out his pocket handkerchief, wiped his face & went on with his important message as if nothing had happened. The scorn of the audience was turned to admiration.

"The most learned doctor of the city, who happened to be present, said to himself that a law which taught men such virtue, inspired them with such courage & gave them such complete mastery over themselves, could not but be from God.

Afterwards he desired baptism & his example was followed by others. So effectually did the meekness of the missionary promote the success of the work"

"Learn of me," Jesus said, "For I am meek and lowly in heart." (Mat 11:29)

- D. B. Rote. (

"The person, who bears and suffers evils with meekness and silence, is the sum of a Christian man."  - John Wesley.

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