Tuesday, December 8, 2015


When the British Government sought to reward General Gordon for his brilliant service in China, he declined all money & titles, but accepted a gold medal inscribed with the record of his 33 engagements. It was his most prized possession.

But after his death the medal could not be found. Eventually it was learned that he had sent it to Manchester during a severe famine, directing that it should be melted down & used to buy bread for the poor.

Under the date of its sending, these words were found written in his diary: ‘The last earthly thing I had in this world that I valued, I have given to the Lord Jesus Christ.'

“Yes, you will be enriched so that you can give even more generously. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will break out in thanksgiving to God.” – Paul (2Cor 9:11 NLT)

- Indian Christian (moreillustrations.com)

"I will place no value on anything I have or may possess except in relation to the kingdom of Christ." -  David Livingstone.

"When you live in the light of eternity, your values change." - Rick Warren.

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