Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Bible May Be Hard For Beginner To Understand

"It is clear that there must be difficulties for us in a revelation such as the Bible. If someone were to hand me a book that was as simple to me as the multiplication table & say, 'This is the Word of God. In it He has revealed His whole will & wisdom,' I would shake my head & say, 'I cannot believe it; that is too easy to be a perfect revelation of infinite wisdom.'

There must be, in any complete revelation of God's mind & will & character & being, things hard for the beginner to understand; and the wisest & best of us are but beginners."

- R A Torrey (aksermonillustrations.blogspot.in)

“Real satisfaction comes not in understanding God's motives, but in understanding His character, in trusting in His promises, and in leaning on Him and resting in Him as the Sovereign who knows what He is doing and does all things well.” - Joni Eareckson Tada.

Psalms 111:10 (ISV): "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; sound understanding belongs to those who practice it….."

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