Thursday, May 4, 2017


In 1555, as part of her campaign to re-establish the Catholic Church in England, Queen Mary, also known as 'Bloody Mary', arranged for John Philpot, one of the leading Protestant ministers of the day, to be burned at the stake.

When his death sentence was pronounced, Philpot said, “I am ready; God grant me strength & a joyful resurrection.”

Philpot walked to the place of execution on his own, rather than having to be dragged to it & when he reached it, he knelt & kissed the stake at which he would be burned.

It is easy for us to focus on our problems & think that they are larger than they really are. Most of us have never endured genuine persecution for our faith.

There may come a day when we must make the same life-or-death decision to be loyal to Christ regardless of the consequences.

Source: 'Foxe’s Book of Martyrs', John Foxe (

Mat 24:13 (ERV): “But the one who remains faithful to the end will be saved.”

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