Thursday, July 27, 2017


"One night when my wife was at prayer meeting I began to grow very miserable. I did not know what the matter with me was, but finally retired before my wife came home.

In the morning I could eat no breakfast & went to the office. I told my clerks they could take a holiday & I shut myself in the office. I kept growing more & more miserable & finally got down & asked God to forgive my sins.

I did not say 'for Jesus' sake,' for I was a Unitarian (who believe that Jesus was a mere human-being) & I did not believe in the Atonement.

I kept praying, `God, forgive my sins'; but no answer came.

At last in desperation I cried, `O God, for Christ's sake, forgive my sins,' and I found peace at once."

This man had no access to God until he came in the name of Christ, but when he came thus, he was answered at once.

- Sunday School Times. ( 

“To see how Christ was prophesied and described therein, consider and mark, how that the lamb must be without spot or blemish; and so was Christ only of all mankind, in the sight of God and of His law.” -  William Tyndale.

Acts 4:12 (NLV): “There is no way to be saved from the punishment of sin through anyone else. For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we can be saved.”

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