If you want to be rich, give; if you want to be poor, grasp!
If you want abundance, scatter; if you want to be needy, hoard!
“A man there was and they called him mad:
The more he gave, the more he had.” – ‘Pilgrim’s Progress,’
John Bunyan.
- (moreillustrations.com)
Mat 6:2 (CEB): “Whenever you give to the poor, don’t blow
your trumpet as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets so that
they may get praise from people. I assure you, that’s the only reward they’ll
“Let the lips of the poor be the trumpet of thy gift, lest
in seeking applause, thou lose thy reward.” -
Francis Quarles.
Pro 19:17 (GNT): “When you give to the poor, it is like
lending to the Lord, and the Lord will pay you back.”
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