Thursday, July 25, 2019


In May 2013, 13 yr old Arvind Mahankali of New York, correctly spelled the word “knaidel” (a German-Yiddish word for a dumpling) to win the 86th Scripps National Spelling Bee.

He had finished third each of the two previous years. In both of those years he was eliminated when he failed to correctly spell a German-derived word.

In preparation for his third attempt at the prize, he worked to strengthen his area of weakness.

“This year I prepared German words & I studied them, so when I got German words this year, I wasn’t worried,” he said after his victory.

No one has yet invented a way to magically acquire knowledge - or anything else worthwhile - without effort.

If we are going to learn what we need to know to succeed in life, whether in our ministry, our career, our family, or even our hobbies, we are going to have to devote the time & effort required to gain the skills & knowledge we need and then continue to devote the time & effort required to maintain what we have learned.

2 Tim 2:15 (ICB): “Do the best you can to be the kind of person that God will approve, and give yourself to him. Be a worker who is not ashamed of his work—a worker who uses the true teaching in the right way.”

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“If we prepare ourselves for life's inevitables, we will not be perplexed by life's transitions.” -  Jack Hyles.

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