Monday, July 15, 2019


It is not noteworthy to do all that is expected of us. Many often do that. A believer in Christ is expected to do much more than that.

A man in a hospital, just after a severe operation, asked his nurse to turn his pillow. She at once rearranged two pillows & made him much more comfortable.

As minute after minute & hour after hour dragged on, he noticed that whenever he asked this nurse for anything, she always did more than he asked: did it instantly & cheerily.

Finally he asked her if she remembered what the Lord said about going "the second mile," and told her how gratefully he had noticed that she always went that second mile.

And it meant, oh, so much, to a weak, suffering patient lying there in helplessness!

This man had learned a new lesson from his nurse; all unconsciously she was showing him the meaning of that grace of God that does "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." (Ep 3:20).

- Sunday School Times. (

“Go the extra mile. It's never crowded.” -  Author unknown.

Col 3:23 (WE): “Whatever your work is, do it gladly. Do it as you would do it unto the Lord and not for people.”

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