Tuesday, June 27, 2017


A Michigan judge found himself in the news recently because of the violation of a courtroom rule - and what happened next.

Judge Raymond Voet has long had a policy forbidding the use of electronic devices in the courtroom. Anyone whose phone rings aloud has it confiscated & receives a fine.

During closing arguments at the trial, someone’s smart phone started ringing. It was the judge’s new phone! 
During the next break in the trial, Judge Voet held himself in contempt & paid the standard $25 fine that he issues anyone who disturbs a trial.

“Judges are human,” Voet said. “They’re not above the rules. I broke the rule & I have to live by it.”

To live a life that is pleasing to God, we need to deal justly both with ourselves & others. The priority God places on justice is very high indeed.

The prophet Micah wrote, “The Lord has shown you what is good. He has told you what he requires of you. You must act with justice…” (Mic 6:8 NIRV)

- (ministry127.com)

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