Thursday, September 28, 2017


The French speak of a disease which they call La Maladie du moi, or "Me-sickness."

The disciples were troubled with that disease; they were too much concerned with themselves.

Despite all the strides science has made, it has offered no vaccine to combat this deadly ailment.

The only remedy that has ever been effective was that offered by the Great Physician. His love engenders selflessness for selfishness in the heart of man & "Me-sickness" vanishes as does the morning mist before the sun's healing rays.

- Sunday School Times. (

Js 3:16 (ERV): “Where there is jealousy and selfishness, there will be confusion and every kind of evil.”

“It has been my experience that when you really come to the Lord, He never sends you away empty unless you come to Him stuffed full of yourself.” - Prophecy Monthly.

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