Monday, September 4, 2017


A millionaire, who had been born a poor boy, and whose money was now his idol, after showing his palatial mansion & beautiful grounds to a Quaker, said:

"And the almighty dollar has done it all! What cannot money do?"

"Ah, friend," replied the Quaker, "you remind me of the Israelites who worshiped the golden calf, saying it brought them out of the land of Egypt. In reality, it hindered rather than helped them in their journey to the Promised Land, and maybe your dollars will do the same for you."

- Evangelical Visitor. (

“As long as you want anything very much, especially more than you want God, it is an idol.” -  A.B. Simpson.

Deu 5:9 (CEV): “Don’t bow down and worship idols. I am the Lord your God, and I demand all your love...“

Ps 135:18 (ERV): “Those who make idols and trust in them will become just like the idols they have made.”

“When your thoughts and opinions become intellectual gods in rebellion against the Word of God, you are in idolatry.” -  John Hagee.

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