Friday, November 17, 2017


For 5 years Mayor E. H. Couch, of Guntersville, Alabama, has been sending minor offenders of all ages to Sunday School instead of levying fines or jail sentences.

Only recently did the plan become known. Then it was found that not one over 100 so sentenced reappeared before Mayor Couch charged with any crime.

About half of the culprits became regular attendants at Sunday School after their sentences expired.

Most of them, before their sentences, had never been to Sunday School.

When the plan was divulged, Mayor Couch made the following statement:

"I thought it was better to send offenders to a place where they would be in company with our best citizens rather than to the one place where in Guntersville they are sure to be thrown with our worst. For success of the idea I did not make public that they were being made to go to Sunday School. Then they would have been embarrassed."

- The Watchman-Examiner. (

Pro 19:18 (GNT): “Discipline your children while they are young enough to learn. If you don't, you are helping them destroy themselves."

“A child of five, if properly instructed, can as truly believe and be revived as an adult.” -  Charles Spurgeon.

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