Only the one who went all the way received the blessing.
Says Russell Sewall: "I carried a cheque halfway to the
bank. Did the bank therefore pay me half the value of the cheque?
No; the bank didn't pay me a cent till I went all the way
to the paying teller's window. And then the cheque was paid in full.
Half-trust in God is no trust at all & gets no reward
& that is why so many Christians lead ineffective lives.
- Christian Union Herald. (
“This attitude of complete submission and complete trust is
of course the key to working out our own salvation in fear and trembling and is
the mark of a truly spiritual Christian.”
John F. Walvoord.
Ps 78: 19-22 (GNT): They spoke against God and said, “Can
God supply food in the desert? It is true that he struck the rock, and water
flowed out in a torrent; but can he also provide us with bread and give his
people meat?” And so the LORD was angry when he heard them; he attacked his
people with fire, and his anger against them grew, because they had no faith in
him and did not believe that he would save them.
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