Wednesday, November 15, 2017


General Booth told of a man leaving Australia who had been working in the gold fields & had acquired a fortune. He was on a ship, when a leak was sprung. The life-boats were lost & the people were without hope.

This strong man thought he could fight through the waves to the island & he was about to spring into the water when a little girl, whose mother had been lost in the storm, asked him, “Sir, can you save me?”

He looked at his belt of gold & then at the child & then at the belt & then at the child again. He threw the belt of gold away, took her on his back & threw himself into the sea. He struggled through the waves & with life almost gone he reached the land.

The next day, when he regained consciousness the little girl put her arms around his neck & her lips to his cheek & said, “I am so glad you saved me.” That was worth more than all the gold in Australia.

That is the soul-winner’s reward. It is for some man whom you have won for Christ to meet you on the streets of gold & say, “I am so glad you preached that sermon, or sang that song; it saved me.”

-‘Present Day Parables’, J. Wilbur Chapman (

Rev 22:12 (GW): “I’m coming soon! I will bring my reward with me to pay all people based on what they have done.”

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