Friday, September 29, 2017


One morning I wanted to feed the birds. It was gray & cold & the ground was covered with snow. I stepped out on the porch & flung them handfuls of crumbs & called to them.

No. there they sat, cold & hungry & afraid. They did not trust me

As I sat & watched & waited, it seemed to me I could get God's viewpoint more clearly than ever before. He offers, plans, waits, hopes, longs for all things for our good. But He has to watch & wait as I did for my timid friends.

- Sunday School Times. (

2 Chr 16:9 (GNT): “The Lord keeps close watch over the whole world, to give strength to those whose hearts are loyal to him...”

“No soul can be really at rest until it has given up all dependence on everything else and has been forced to depend on the Lord alone. As long as our expectation is from other things, nothing but disappointment awaits us.” -  Hannah Whitall Smith.

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