Friday, November 30, 2018


Adolph Menzel created a painting titled 'Frederick the Great’s Address to His Generals Before the Battle of Leuthen'. This historical piece depicts Frederick’s speech to his generals in December 1757 during the Seven Years’ War before their famous battle in Silesia against the Austrians.

Menzel worked on it from 1859-1861, but never finished it. The monumental painting contains the background & the generals standing in a semi-circle, but the main figure of Frederick the Great was left blank.

Menzel’s famous painting is a picture of many lives. The background of career, interests, pursuits & achievement is complete. The faces of significant people like family, friends & colleagues surround. But the central & most important figure is left incomplete - Jesus.

Jesus Christ has been given a name that is above all others & rightly deserves to be the focal point of our lives. The centrality of Christ in life is the greatest need of every person. May we never foolishly allow Him to be a blank figure in our crowded lives.

- Pulpit Helps (

1 John 5:11-12 (ERV): “This is what God told us: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life, but whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.”

“We do not know the value of Christ, if we will not cleave to Him unto death!” -  Robert Murray McCheyne.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day!
I had so much to accomplish that I didn’t take time to pray.

Problems just tumbled about me, and heavier came each task.
“Why doesn’t God help me?” I wondered, He answered, “You didn’t ask!”

I wanted to see joy and beauty, but the day toiled on, gray and bleak.
I wondered why God didn’t show me. He answered me, “But you didn’t seek.”

I tried to come into God’s presence; I used all my keys at the lock.
God gently and lovingly chided, “Why, child, you didn’t knock!”

I woke up early this morning, and paused before entering the day.
I had so much to accomplish, that I had to take time to pray.

-Author Unknown (

“Tomorrow I plan to work, work, from early until late. In fact I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” -  Martin Luther.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” – Lord Jesus (Mat 7:7 KJV)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


There is a sort of caterpillar called the "Processional Caterpillar," which walks in long lines, each one following closely the next in front.

Now a certain man, Le Fabre by name, once saw a number of these marching round the stone vase in his garden. He got some more of them & filled up the gap between the tail & the head of the procession & watched to see what the caterpillars would do.

They went on following each his neighbor in front; they walked round that vase for a week & covered nearly a mile of distance.

Don't be processional caterpillars, with your nose glued to your neighbor's back & no thought as to where he is leading you, or whether he is worthy to be followed at all.

Follow the Christ, the King.

- Sunday at Home. (

Luke 6:39 (CEV): Jesus also used some sayings as he spoke to the people. He said: Can one blind person lead another blind person? Won’t they both fall into a ditch?

“Take heed, therefore, blind leaders of the blind; hard-hearted and stubborn hypocrites, take heed.” -  William Tyndale.

Friday, November 23, 2018


“Numerous Christians do not know how to glorify God in their eating and drinking. They do not eat and drink simply to keep their body fit for the Lord's use but indulge to satisfy their personal desires. We should understand that the body is for the Lord and not for ourselves; hence we should refrain from using it for our pleasure. Food ought not to hinder our fellowship with God since it is to be taken purely to preserve the body in health.” -  Watchman Nee.

1 Cor 3:16-17 (ESV): “Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?  If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple.”

Pro 23:2 (CEV): “Don’t go and stuff yourself! That would be just the same as cutting your throat.”

“I believe that gluttony is as much a sin in the sight of God as drunkenness.” -  Charles Spurgeon.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


A visitor was once walking along a high part of the shore of the Dead Sea when he lost his balance & fell into the water. He could not swim & in desperation lest he should sink & be drowned, he began to fling his arms about.

At last he was exhausted & felt he could do no more. Then he found something happen: the water bore him up. The water of the Dead Sea is so heavy with salt & other minerals that when he lay still in it he found he floated on the surface.

He could not drown so long as he resigned himself to the power of the deep. So too it is with us. There is a power beneath us & around us waiting to bear us up. We should cease from all our struggling & fruitless efforts & let the power of God uphold us.

- R. H. W. Shepherd. (

Pro 3:5-6 (MEV): “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.”

“If you're missing joy and peace, you're not trusting God.” -  Joyce Meyer.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


A pastor in California was giving an invitation at the end of his Sunday morning message when a 5 yr old boy, sensing the invitation of the Holy Spirit came down the aisle.

Not knowing if the boy was old enough to understand salvation, the pastor took him to his office & began to ask some theological questions.

The more he questioned, the more confused the boy became. Finally, in exasperation, the little fellow stopped & innocently pleaded:

“Pastor Patterson, in your message this morning you said that if I would come & ask Jesus to save me - He would! Now, did you really mean that or not?”

The pastor said, “I didn’t ask him any more questions after that.” He helped the boy to respond to God’s invitation by inviting Jesus Christ to be his Savior.

- Dr. Paul Chappell (

“I assure you that whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” – Lord Jesus.  (Mk 10:15 GNT)

“A child of five, if properly instructed, can as truly believe and be regenerated as an adult.” -  Charles Spurgeon.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


A businessman once wanted somebody to fill a most important position, one of great responsibility, so he advertised & got a large number of applications. From these he picked 20 men & asked them to be at a certain place on a certain day.

On that day he went & found the 20 men there. "Well, men," he said, "before we get on with the business, I think we may as well have a little drink. Come on," and he set off toward a licensed hotel nearby.

The men quickly followed, all except one who lagged behind. "Hurry up! Aren't you coming for a drink?" the employer shouted.

"No thanks," said the man, "I'm a total abstainer."

"Good for you," said the employer, "you're the man I want for this job!" and he turned & left the other men all tremendously surprised & disappointed.

- Gospel Herald. (

Ep 5:18 (NLT): “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

“He that is a drunkard is qualified for all vice.” -  Francis Quarles.

Monday, November 19, 2018


I never was guilty of wrong action but on my account lives have been lost, trains have been wrecked, ships have gone down at sea, cities have burned, battles have been lost & governments have failed.

I never struck a blow nor spoke an unkind word, but because of me homes have been broken up, friends have grown cold, the laughter of children has ceased, wives have shed bitter tears, brothers & sisters have forgotten, and fathers & mothers have gone broken-hearted to their graves.

I have intended no evil, but because of me talent & genius have come to naught, courtesy & kindness has failed, and the promise of success & happiness has yielded sorrow & disaster.

You may not on the instant call me by name, but surely you are personally acquainted with me. I am Neglect.

- T. M. Olson. (

Pro 8:33 (NET): “Listen to my instruction so that you may be wise, and do not neglect it.”

“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” -  Henry Drummond.

Pro 19:27 (GNT): “My child, when you stop learning, you will soon neglect what you already know.”

Sunday, November 18, 2018


I am the greatest criminal in history.

I have killed more men than have fallen in all the wars of the world.

I have turned men into brutes.

I have made millions of homes unhappy.

I have transformed many ambitious youths into hopeless parasites.

I make smooth the downward path for countless millions.

I destroy the weak & weaken the strong.

I make the wise man a fool & trample the fool in his folly.

I ensnare the innocent.

The abandoned wife knows me; the hungry children know me.

I have ruined millions & shall try to ruin more.

I am Alcohol.

- H. W. Gibson.

Pro 20:1 (NLT): “Wine produces mockers; alcohol leads to brawls. Those led astray by drink cannot be wise.”

“If a man gets drunk and goes out and breaks his leg so that it must be amputated, God will forgive him if he asks it, but he will have to hop around on one leg all his life.” -  D.L. Moody.

Friday, November 16, 2018


Money has been defined as that something which buys everything but happiness & takes a man everywhere but to heaven.

But money used in the right way can confer a great deal of happiness & be the means of starting many a person on the path to heaven.

- (

1 Tim 6:10 (GNT): “For the love of money is a source of all kinds of evil. Some have been so eager to have it that they have wandered away from the faith and have broken their hearts with many sorrows.”

“Most people fail to realize that money is both a test and trust from God.” -  Rick Warren.

“If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life.” -  Billy Graham.

“Since my money is God's money, every spending decision I make is a spiritual decision.” -  John Hagee.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Father Graham was an old-fashioned gentleman, beloved by everyone & his influence in the little town was great, so good & active was he.

A young man of the village had been badly insulted & came to Father Graham, full of anger declaring that he was going at once to demand an apology.

"My dear boy," Father Graham said, "take a word of advice from an old man who loves peace. An insult is like mud; it will brush off much better when it is dry. Wait a little, till he & you are both cool & the thing will be easily mended. If you go now it will only be to quarrel."

It is pleasant to be able to add that the young man took his advice & before the next day was gone the insulting person came to beg forgiveness.

- Our Young Covenanters. (

Pro 19:11 (NCV): “The wise are patient; they will be honored if they ignore insults.”

“Beloved, have you ever thought that someday you will not have anything to try you, or anyone to vex you again? There will be no opportunity in heaven to learn or to show the spirit of patience, forbearance, and long suffering. If you are to practice these things, it must be NOW.” -  A.B. Simpson.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


The philosopher, on being interrupted in his thoughts by the violent cackling of a hen that had just laid an egg, was led to express his appreciation of a kind Providence by which a fish while laying a million eggs to a hen's one, does so in a perfectly quiet manner.

- (

Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might.” (Dan 2:20 ERV)

“Look around in the world, and you may see some in every place who are objects of pity, bereaved by sad accidents of all the comforts of life, while in the meantime Providence has tenderly preserved you.”  - John Flave.

“A firm faith in the universal providence of God is the solution of all earthly troubles.” -  B.B. Warfield.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


After a tough & discouraging day at work, Melvin dropped himself on the couch & began wading in self-pity. He complained to his wife:

“Nobody cares about me. In fact, the whole world hates me.”

Without even looking up from her work, Melvin’s wife replied:

“That’s not true, honey. The whole world couldn’t possibly hate you because most of them don’t even know you.”

- Houston Chronicle, (

“Self-pity is a death that has no resurrection, a sinkhole from which no rescuing hand can drag you because you have chosen to sink.” -  Elisabeth Elliot.

Pro 17:22 (GW): “A joyful heart is good medicine, but depression drains one’s strength.”

Friday, November 9, 2018


Samuel Brengle who was an early Salvation Army official was once introduced as the, “Great Dr. Brengle.” He later wrote in his diary:

“If I appear great in their eyes, the Lord is most graciously helping me to see how absolutely nothing I am without Him & helping me to keep little in my own eyes. He does use me. But I am so concerned that He uses me & that it is not of me the work is done.

The axe cannot boast of the trees it has cut down. It could do nothing but for the woodsman. He made it, he sharpened it & he used it. The moment he throws it aside, it becomes only old iron. O, that I may never lose sight of this.”

- Samuel Logan Brengle, C. W. Hall (

“I am the fruit tree and you are the branches. I will be in the person who is in me. That person will have a fruitful life. But you can do nothing without me.” – Lord Jesus. (John 15:5 WE)

“It does not take great men to do great things; it only takes consecrated men.” -  Phillips Brooks.

Phil 4:13 (ICB): “I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength.”

Thursday, November 8, 2018


"Arriving at a house," writes one of the Bible Society's Italian salesperson, as reported in The Life of Faith, “I knocked at the door.”

“Come in,” said a voice from within. I did so & found myself in the presence of a woman who, dusting a chair, invited me to sit down.

She seemed a little embarrassed, and then turning suddenly, said, “What is the price of a New Testament?”

“Two lira, madam.”

She handed me the coin & I was going to give her the book, when she refused it with a gesture. “We have one,” she said; “my son stole it from you a few days ago, but the reading of it brought him to see his sin. So he told me about it & asked me to pay you & apologize."

- Alliance Weekly. (

“The proof of true repentance is immediate restitution.” – Mike Murdock.

Zacchaeus said to the Lord, “I want to do good. I will give half of my money to the poor. If I have cheated anyone, I will pay them back four times more.” (Luke 19:8 ERV).

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


When James A. Garfield was a young man a printed slip was given him by a friend which he carefully cherished. It reads as follows:

"Make few promises. Always speak the truth. Never speak evil of anyone. Keep good company or none. Drink no intoxicating liquors. Good character is above everything else. Be honest to be happy.

Spend less than you earn. Live within your income. Never run into debt unless you see your way out.

Good company & good conversation are the essentials of virtue. Good character can be injured only by your own acts. If evil is spoken of you, let your life disprove the falsehood.

 Read the above carefully & thoughtfully."

-Watchman-Examiner. (

Pro 22:1 (TLB): “If you must choose, take a good name rather than great riches; for to be held in loving esteem is better than silver and gold.”

“Character is made by many acts. It can be lost by a single act.” – Unknown Author.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


A gentleman was walking one day in the east end of the city of Glasgow. The streets were so narrow & the houses so high, that little direct sunshine ever reached the houses on one side.

The gentleman noticed a ragged, barefooted boy trying, with a small piece of mirror, to catch the sun's rays & direct them to a certain spot on one of the houses opposite.

He became interested in the boy's earnest efforts.

"What are you trying to do, boy?" he asked.

"Do you see far off window up there?" the boy replied. "Well, my little brother had an accident two years ago & is always lying on his back in his room & it is on the wrong side to get the sunshine, so I always try to catch the light in this glass & shine it into his room."

- The Homiletic Review. (

Mat 5:16 (GW): “In the same way let your light shine in front of people. Then they will see the good that you do and praise your Father in heaven.”

“We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine.” -  D.L. Moody.

Monday, November 5, 2018


A minister of the gospel was on a journey from London to the North of England & got into a carriage in which 3 men & 2 women were already seated.

One of the men said to him, “May I ask you a question?”

“Certainly!” answered the preacher.

“There was a man who had a family, who was a good citizen & brought up his family well. At 60, he developed cancer. He used to mock God. To save trouble & expense he committed suicide. Where did he go?”

The minister of the gospel replied: “That is a simple question. He went to his own place, where you will go & I shall go. Everybody goes to his own place. But I have a Friend who has told me He has prepared a place for me. His place shall be mine. The Lord Jesus is arranging my future home.”

Acts 1:24-25 (ISV): Then they prayed, “Lord, you know the hearts of all people. Show us which one of these two men you have chosen to serve in this office of apostle from which Judas left to go to his own place.”

- (

Sunday, November 4, 2018


All my life I entertained a great fear of death, till one of my own children went to be with the Lord. During the funeral service the minister told the following story:

"A shepherd led his flock to the banks of a swiftly flowing stream. Sheep are naturally afraid of rapidly running water. The shepherd could not induce them to cross until he picked up a little lamb & stepped with it into the river, bearing it carefully & tenderly to the opposite shore.

When the mother saw where her lamb had gone, she forgot her fear & stepped into the rushing current & was soon safely on the other side. All the rest of the flock followed her leadership."

- Sunday School Times. (

Heb 2:15 (ICB): “Jesus became like men and died so that he could free them. They were like slaves all their lives because of their fear of death.”

“We must learn to live on the heavenly side and look at things from above. To contemplate all things as God sees them, as Christ beholds them, overcomes sin, defies Satan, dissolves perplexities, lifts us above trials, separates us from the world and conquers fear of death.” -  A.B. Simpson.

Friday, November 2, 2018


General Booth, of Salvation Army had 10 rules for Christian living.  They are: 

1.            Consider your body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and treat it with reverence and care.
2.            Keep your mind active. Stimulate it with thoughts of others that     lead to doing something.
3.            Take time to be holy with daily Bible reading and prayer.
4.            Support the church. Mingle with others.
5.            Cultivate the presence of God. He wants to enter your life and will as far as you let him.
6.            Take God into the details of your life. You naturally call upon him in trouble and for the bigger things.
7.            Pray for this troubled war-threatened world and the leaders who hold the destinies of the various nations.
8.            Have a thankful spirit for the blessings of God—country, home, friends, and numerous other blessings.
9.            Work as if everything depended upon work, and pray as if everything depended upon prayer.
10.          Think of death not as something to be dreaded, but as a great and new experience where loved ones are met and ambitions realized.

- (

2 Tim 2:5 (TLB): “Follow the Lord’s rules for doing his work, just as an athlete either follows the rules or is disqualified and wins no prize.”

“A 'disorderly walk' denotes conduct that is in any way contrary to the rules of Christ. The word would include any violation of the rules of Christ.” -  Albert Barnes.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Traversing one night a city street, I was startled by a sharp clanging above my head. On looking up, I found myself directly beneath the tower wherein a huge clock was striking the midnight hour.

I took my watch from my pocket, and lo, the slender overlying hands were pointing exactly to the hour of 12.

It scarcely seemed possible that that tiny piece of mechanism in my hand could keep time with the huge machinery that filled a whole room of the tower; but the proof was before me & as I gazed at the 2 pairs of hands of such diverse proportions, I understood as never before that the most insignificant human being needed only to be clean;

'In running order & divinely regulated to keep time with Divinity itself - to be perfect even as the Father is perfect.

- Northern Christian Advocate. (

Mat 5:48 (GNT): “You must be perfect - just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”

“To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.” -  John Henry Newman.

“Most of us know perfectly well what we ought to do; our trouble is that we do not want to do it.” -  Peter Marshall.