Wednesday, November 7, 2018


When James A. Garfield was a young man a printed slip was given him by a friend which he carefully cherished. It reads as follows:

"Make few promises. Always speak the truth. Never speak evil of anyone. Keep good company or none. Drink no intoxicating liquors. Good character is above everything else. Be honest to be happy.

Spend less than you earn. Live within your income. Never run into debt unless you see your way out.

Good company & good conversation are the essentials of virtue. Good character can be injured only by your own acts. If evil is spoken of you, let your life disprove the falsehood.

 Read the above carefully & thoughtfully."

-Watchman-Examiner. (

Pro 22:1 (TLB): “If you must choose, take a good name rather than great riches; for to be held in loving esteem is better than silver and gold.”

“Character is made by many acts. It can be lost by a single act.” – Unknown Author.

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