Friday, November 2, 2018


General Booth, of Salvation Army had 10 rules for Christian living.  They are: 

1.            Consider your body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and treat it with reverence and care.
2.            Keep your mind active. Stimulate it with thoughts of others that     lead to doing something.
3.            Take time to be holy with daily Bible reading and prayer.
4.            Support the church. Mingle with others.
5.            Cultivate the presence of God. He wants to enter your life and will as far as you let him.
6.            Take God into the details of your life. You naturally call upon him in trouble and for the bigger things.
7.            Pray for this troubled war-threatened world and the leaders who hold the destinies of the various nations.
8.            Have a thankful spirit for the blessings of God—country, home, friends, and numerous other blessings.
9.            Work as if everything depended upon work, and pray as if everything depended upon prayer.
10.          Think of death not as something to be dreaded, but as a great and new experience where loved ones are met and ambitions realized.

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2 Tim 2:5 (TLB): “Follow the Lord’s rules for doing his work, just as an athlete either follows the rules or is disqualified and wins no prize.”

“A 'disorderly walk' denotes conduct that is in any way contrary to the rules of Christ. The word would include any violation of the rules of Christ.” -  Albert Barnes.

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