Tuesday, November 27, 2018


There is a sort of caterpillar called the "Processional Caterpillar," which walks in long lines, each one following closely the next in front.

Now a certain man, Le Fabre by name, once saw a number of these marching round the stone vase in his garden. He got some more of them & filled up the gap between the tail & the head of the procession & watched to see what the caterpillars would do.

They went on following each his neighbor in front; they walked round that vase for a week & covered nearly a mile of distance.

Don't be processional caterpillars, with your nose glued to your neighbor's back & no thought as to where he is leading you, or whether he is worthy to be followed at all.

Follow the Christ, the King.

- Sunday at Home. (moreillustrations.com)

Luke 6:39 (CEV): Jesus also used some sayings as he spoke to the people. He said: Can one blind person lead another blind person? Won’t they both fall into a ditch?

“Take heed, therefore, blind leaders of the blind; hard-hearted and stubborn hypocrites, take heed.” -  William Tyndale.

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