Tuesday, January 23, 2018


You have probably heard of the man who bought a farm & soon after met his nearest neighbor.

"Have you bought this place?" asked the neighbor.


"Well, you've bought a lawsuit."

"How is that?"

"Well, sir, I claim your fence down there is ten feet on my side of the line, and I'm going to take the matter to court & prove it."

But the newcomer said, "Oh, no, you needn't do that. If the fence is on your side of the line, we will just take it up & move it."

For a moment the other man was nonplused. Then he said, "Do you mean that?"

"Why, yes, of course I do," was the answer.

"Then," said the man who a moment before had been so confrontational, "let that fence stay just where it is!"

Christian brotherly love had made a friend & accomplished what no trial before the highest court in the land could have brought about.

- Church Management.(moreillustrations.com)

“Sometimes Satan provokes us to harden our spirit. It can become stiff, unyielding, narrow and selfish. Such a spirit cannot work with God nor can it do His will.” -  Watchman Nee.

Mat 5:40 (WE): “If anyone takes you to court to get your shirt, let him have your coat also.”

“You can be confident that, as you yield to the Spirit of Christ, you will learn to walk in the abundance of God's power and blessings.” - Derek Prince.

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