Wednesday, October 16, 2019


The story is told that one day a beggar by the roadside asked for alms from Alexander the Great as he passed by.

The man was poor & wretched and had no claim upon the ruler, no right even to lift a solicitous hand. Yet the Emperor threw him several gold coins.

A courtier was astonished at his generosity & commented:

"Sir, copper coins would adequately meet a beggar's need. Why give him gold?"

Alexander responded in royal fashion:

"Cooper coins would suit the beggar's need, but gold coins suit Alexander's giving."

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1 Tim 6:18 (NLT): “Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others.”

“Want to snatch a day from the shackles of boredom? Do overgenerous deeds, acts beyond reimbursement. Kindness without compensation. Do a deed for which you cannot be repaid.” -  Max Lucado.

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