Sunday, March 23, 2014

Our Response to Devil’s Strategy

Devil’s plan is to destroy our lives. He usually starts by flaming pride in a person by making him think too great about himself, so that God Himself would resist such a person, as James 4:6 says: God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

But if anyone still holds on to humility, the devil does his best to discourage that person; as per a saying: “If the devil can’t make you puffed-up by pride, he will try to dampen your spirit by discouragement.”

It seems, in a devil’s exhibition of weapons – like ‘hatred’, ‘envy’, ‘deceit’, ‘lust’; the most used weapon was ‘discouragement’. When a visitor asked the devil for the reason, he replied, “weapon of ‘discouragement’ works very easily on people.”

When encountering discouragement, don’t expect or wait for somebody to come & encourage you, encourage yourself, as Psalmist often did, by telling himself, “Why are you in despair, my soul? Why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God! For I shall still praise him: my Savior, my helper and my God.” (Psalms 42:5, 11 & 43:5).

Yes, when we keep resisting the devil that way, he will have to flee, as James 4:7 says: “…Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

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