Tuesday, May 9, 2017


In 1896, Glasgow University conferred on Dr. David Livingstone the degree of Doctor of Laws. He rose to speak & was received in respectful silence.

Looking frail as a result of hardships in tropical Africa, his left arm, crushed by a lion, hanging helplessly at his side, he announced his resolve to return to Africa, without doubt & with great gladness.

He added, 'Would you like me to tell you what supported me through all the years of exile among a people whose language I could not understand & whose attitude toward me was always uncertain & often hostile?

It was this, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" (Mat 28:20). On these words I staked everything, and they never failed.'

He had the companionship of the Son of God. 

- Dr. F. W. Boreham (moreillustrations.com)

“Jesus gives us hope because He keeps us company, has a vision and knows the way we should go.” -  Max Lucado.

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