Tuesday, August 21, 2018


A certain preacher closed his sermon with the declaration that "no man can live without sin." "No one," said he "can keep the commandments. I break them all myself, every day & hour."

He called upon a staunch old saint to close with prayer. The brother prayed about as follows:

"0 Lord, have mercy on us! Thou hast said: 'Thou shall have no other gods before me,’ ‘Remember to keep Sabbath day holy,' and `Thou shall not bear false witness;' but here is a preacher who says he breaks them all every day & hour.

Thou hast said, 'Thou shall not steal,' 'Thou shall not commit adultery,' & Thou shall not kill,' but here is a preacher who says he breaks every commandment every day & every hour.

Lord show mercy to us & send us a good preacher. Amen!"

- The Pentecostal Herald. (moreillustrations.com)

Titus 2:7 (GW): “Always set an example by doing good things. When you teach, be an example of moral purity and dignity.”

“A good example is the best sermon.” - Benjamin Franklin.

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