Monday, August 20, 2018


One Sunday morning a certain young pastor in his preaching announced nervously:

"I will take for my text the words: 'And they fed 5 men with 5000 loaves of bread and 2000 fishes.'"

At this misquotation an old parishioner from his seat in the amen corner said audibly:

"That's no miracle - I could do it myself."

The young preacher said nothing at the time, but the next Sunday he announced the same text again. This time he got it right:

"And they fed 5000 men on 5 loaves of bread & 2 fishes."

He waited a moment & looking at the amen corner, he said:

"And could you do that too, Mr. Smith?"

"Of course, I could," Mr. Smith replied.

"And how would you do it?" asked the preacher.

"With what was left over from last Sunday," said Mr. Smith.

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“Laughter is the most beautiful and beneficial therapy God ever granted humanity.” -  Chuck Swindoll.

Pro 17:22 (GW): “A joyful heart is good medicine, but depression drains one’s strength.”                             

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