Friday, September 30, 2016


The Living Church tells of how a missionary doctor saved the life of a famous Arctic explorer (Stefansson).

It was a case of double pneumonia & the explorer had to be brought in 50 miles to the hospital. When he had recovered, he said to the doctor:

"Money cannot repay what you have done for me. You have saved my life. But I should like to make one criticism. You would accomplish more if you did not spend so much time in religious work & in prayer."

Then the doctor replied, "If it had not been for prayer, I should not be here; this hospital would not have been here & you would be lying dead in the snow."

- Bible Expositor and Illuminator. (

Lord Jesus said: “I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.” (Jn 15:5 GNT)

“Whenever God calls us to a task, He will equip us and enable us to complete that task.” - Michael Youssef.

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