Wednesday, October 11, 2017


A young man was eager to grow in His Christian life.

He got a piece of paper & made a list of all the things he would do for God. He wrote down the things he would give up, the places he would go to minister & the areas of ministry he would enter.

He was excited. He took that list to the church & put it on the altar. He thought he would feel joy, but instead he felt empty.

So he went home & started adding to his list. He wrote down more things he would do & wouldn’t do. He took the longer list & put it on the altar, but still he felt nothing.

He went to a wise, old pastor, told him the situation & asked for help. The pastor said, “Take a blank sheet of paper. Sign your name at the bottom. Put that on the altar.”

The young man did & then peace came to his heart.

-‘The Pulling Down of Strongholds’, R.B. Ouellette (

Jer 10:23 (TLB): “O Lord, I know it is not within the power of man to map his life and plan his course.”

“God does not will He should follow what man has initiated. Other than following God's direction, we have no right to direct Him. We have no ability to offer but to obey God's guidance.” -  Watchman Nee.

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