Friday, May 18, 2018


I have read somewhere of a minister sitting on a hotel plaza at Saratoga one morning. He was greeted by a young girl who said to him: "Good morning, Doctor."

"Good morning," he replied. "Are you very well this morning?"

She answered, "Oh, I am so tired! I blistered my feet dancing last night. By the way, Doctor, what do you think about dancing?"

Very gravely he answered, "You are a professing Christian, are you not? Did you ever blister your feet for God?"

The young girl felt the question deeply & turned away. A few days afterward she spoke to the minister again & said:

"Doctor, I have hardly slept since you asked me that question & I want to tell you I have never blistered my feet for the Lord, but from this time on I will work for Him to the best of my ability."

- Watchman-Examiner (      

Tit 2:11-12 (NOG): “After all, God’s saving kindness has appeared for the benefit of all people.  It trains us to avoid ungodly lives filled with worldly desires so that we can live self-controlled, moral, and godly lives in this present world.”

“Worldliness is what makes sin look normal in any age and righteousness seems odd.” -  David F. Wells.

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