Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Dr. William Barker tells about the actor, Ben Kingsley who "starred as the main character in the motion picture GANDHI.

He spent months preparing for the role, visiting the various Indian locales Gandhi had frequented. He even learned to spin cotton thread on a wooden wheel while holding conversations as Gandhi did. The physical resemblance between Gandhi & Kingsley was almost startling.

After filming a scene in a village south of Delhi, Kingsley stepped out of a car & an elderly peasant knelt to touch his feet. Embarrassed, Kingsley explained that he was merely an actor playing Gandhi. 'We know,' replied the villager, 'but through you he will surely live again.'"

As Christians, if we truly follow & serve the Lord, we will become more & more in every way like Christ.

Eph 4:15 (CEV): "Love should always make us tell the truth. Then we will grow in every way and be more like Christ, the head."

- Dick Innes (

"We are not saved in order to be a blessing to other people - you will be that inevitably - but primarily we are saved in order to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ, God's Son."  - Alan Redpath.

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