Thursday, August 13, 2015


One reason many have never realized their bondage to sin may seem very paradoxical, but it is, nevertheless, very true. It is because they have never tried to get free.

There is a yard where a dog is heavily chained. The dog, however, is fast asleep & so he does not realize his bondage. Later on we may even notice the dog eating his food, still chained, but as the food is close to the kennel his chain is not irksome & he is thus still unconscious of his bondage.

But soon comes the owner of the dog & calls him. The animal springs up, eager to reach his master. What happens then? All his efforts are vain & now for the first time he feels the irksomeness & restraint of his fetters.

It is exactly similar with sin. Try to get free & you feel your bond¬age.

 - Dr. W. H. Griffith Thomas.  (

"Nobody can be set free from a problem until they're willing to admit they have one."  - Joyce Meyer.     

Rom 6:6 (GNB): "And we know that our old being has been put to death with Christ on his cross, in order that the power of the sinful self might be destroyed, so that we should no longer be the slaves of sin."

"If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you are free."  -  D.L. Moody.

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