Friday, February 10, 2017


During the 1859 revival in Ireland a man was saved. He could do nothing more than tell what the Lord had done for his soul.

He went over to Scotland to work in some mills there & in the factory where he worked 1300 hands was employed.

So great was the impression made upon them by his simple testimony that no less than 600 were led to Christ.

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Mk 5:18-19 (GNT):  As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had had the demons begged him, “Let me go with you!”  But Jesus would not let him. Instead, he told him, “Go back home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how kind he has been to you.”

“If a man cannot be a Christian in the place where he is, he cannot be a Christian anywhere.” -  Henry Ward Beecher.

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