Thursday, July 19, 2018


A Dutch diamond collector was seeking for a very rare diamond. A dealer in New York by the name of Mr. Winston heard of this inquiry & contacted him letting him know that he believed he possessed the diamond he was looking for.

The diamond collector arrived & Mr. Winston had his salesman present the diamond. The salesman described all the technical aspects of the diamond; however within minutes, the diamond collector raised his hand & said that this was not what he was looking for.

Watching from a distance, Mr. Winston hurriedly intercepted him as he was walking out & he asked him if he could present the diamond again. The collector agreed.

Mr. Winston pulled out the same diamond & started describing his admiration for this particular diamond. Within minutes they were signing papers & he purchased the diamond. As the gentleman was walking out, he asked:

“What just happened? Why was it so easy for me to say no to your salesman a little while ago, while with you I purchased the diamond?”

Mr. Winston answered: “That salesman is the best in the business. He knows more about diamonds than anyone, including myself & I pay him a large salary for his knowledge & expertise. But I would gladly pay him twice as much if I could put into him something I have which he lacks. You see, he knows about diamonds, but I love them.”

The same is true in soul winning.

Many Christians have much Bible knowledge, but do not share Christ with the lost. While others may not have as much knowledge of the Bible, but they love Christ so much they tell others about Him & press them to accept Him as their Savior.

Source: ‘Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks’, Wayne Rice (

Mat 9:36 (CEB): “Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson .

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