Friday, December 30, 2016


Ps 95:2 (GNT): “Let us come before him with thanksgiving and sing joyful songs of praise.”

One night, at a prayer & praise meeting a good brother related a long, complaining strain of experiences about the trials & difficulties which are encountered on the way to Heaven.

At the end of his talk, another brother arose & said, "I see that our brother who has just sat down, lives in Grumbling Street. I lived there myself for some time, but I never enjoyed good health. The air there is bad; the houses are bad, the water is bad; the birds never came & sang in the street & I was gloomy & sad enough.

But finally I moved. 

I moved to Thanksgiving Street & ever since then I have had good health & so have my family. The air is pure, the water good, the houses are good; the sun shines in all day; the birds are always singing & I am happy as I can be.

Now, I would suggest to our brother, that he, too, move. There are plenty of houses `to let' in Thanksgiving Street."

Which street are you living on: Grumbling Street, or Thanksgiving Street?

Don't forget, there is plenty of room on Thanksgiving Street & your health would be better & your heart happier if you would move there.

- Gospel Herald. (

"We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” -  Harry Ironside.

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