Wednesday, July 12, 2017


On the night of the liberation of the Jamaica slaves in 1838, a coffin was made & a grave was dug. Into that coffin they crowded all the various relics of their previous bondage & sorrow.

The whips, the torture irons, the branding irons, fragments of the treadmill, the handcuffs - they placed in the coffin & screwed down the lid.

At the stroke of midnight the coffin was lowered into its grave & then the whole of that mob of thousands celebrated their redemption from slavery by singing the Doxology!

It is a picture of the Christian's buried past.

- The Daum. (

1 Cor 7:23 (CEV): “God paid a great price for you. So don’t become slaves of anyone else.”

“Control your own destiny or someone else will.” – Jack Welch.

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