Thursday, March 23, 2017


When evangelist Gypsy Smith got saved, an elderly gentleman explained to him the importance of trusting Christ alone.

Gypsy Smith replied, “I cannot trust myself, for I am nothing; and I cannot trust in what I have, for I have nothing; and I cannot trust in what I know, for I know nothing.”

The only thing left for him to trust in was Jesus Christ.

‘Gypsy Smith: His Life and Work’ by Rodney Smith (

Pro 3:5-6 (ERV): “Trust the LORD completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.”

“I'll give you some symptoms of a sign that your faith is deteriorating - whenever you face all of your problems and you trust only your plans to get you out - it is a sign that your faith is deteriorating.” -  T.D. Jakes.

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