Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman tells the story of a philanthropist who bade a contractor, who had been very unfortunate, build him a dwelling, and gave him authority to choose the material & to govern every part of its construction.

At last the house was finished, but the contractor had felt that this was an opportunity for him to recover some of his lost fortune, and had put into it the poorest material & the faultiest of work.

When the house was finished the philanthropist said: "This house is for you and your family, and you can live in it as long as you please. It is yours forever," and then the poor man realized that he had built a house in which he himself must live.

He thought he was cheating the other man, but he had really been cheating himself.

That is the way we are cheated when we fail in doing our duty concerning our own homes. No man, or woman, or child ever robs the home life of any good thing which ought to be there without cheating themselves just as this contractor did.

They must live there, and many people find home a cruel, heartless place because they themselves have failed in their duty.

- Rev. R. Cameron. (moreillustrations.com)

Gal 6:7 (ICB):  Do not be fooled: You cannot cheat God. A person harvests only what he plants.

“They have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” -  Hosea Ballou.

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